Customer Testimonials

I have to say that i am really happy that i decided to order from badminton bay. Since day one, Catherine was very friendly and helped me with everything including providing me a good discount. The service has been very courteous and prompt. You guys have awesome customer service and i am going to order everything from you guys from now onwards :)


Lalit C., United States | 08-11-2014

I was amazed at the fast delivery to Australia. Normally it has taken 2 to 3 weeks before i get the purchases. Many thanx for the service.


Tony D., Australia | 08-11-2014

The Apacs rackets and the Abroz Super PU grips I have bought from Badminton Bay have been good - I was impressed with the speed of your service too too, with the deliveries arriving very quickly, particularly the recent order for grips, and your prices are very competitive.


Mark E., United Kingdom | 08-11-2014

I am very happy with the rackets I have bought from you, they are top quality and hold up when I string them at high tensions. Great discount, and flexible to what I want. Postage, rackets arrive in a consistent time frame. Staff are willing to get specific rackets in for me and specific speed shuttles for New Zealand conditions.


Seas C., New Zealand | 08-11-2014

This is my second racket and I am impressed with the high quality, performance.


Alistair M., United Kingdom | 08-11-2014

Apacs 903 Perfomance badminton shoes. Great shoes!!!


Marco, Weert, Netherlands | 08-08-2014

Your service was great.  The racket is really good too.  The only thing was that the box arrived with some signs of crushing, and a few tears.  I am thankful to God that the racket inside was still in good shape.

Thank you very much.  I will definitely buy from you again, and recommend you to my badminton playing friends.


Jim, United States | 08-07-2014

Overall the guys loved the product that they had purchased.  Me and my family owns 2 wrex, lurid 23, raptor mk1, sensuous 686 and a virtuoso 50. Just sad though some items like shoes for instance  didnt have the ladies sizes on. The only one complain I got so far was a string that broke on purchase and a new replacement didnt last much either. This is a minor situation possibly due to the user himself.

Excellent Shipping, packing and delivery. I have no complaints there. I receive my shipment in 5 days after payment.


Vinod, Kuwait | 08-07-2014

I thoroughly appreciate your company, Badminton Bay, and especially the selection of apac raquets. Your service has been excellent. a loyal customer


Jim, United States | 08-07-2014

I am very happy with my purchases from Badminton Bay. Good quality products and very good prices.


Richard, United States | 08-06-2014